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Writing often doesn’t bring big incomes and a sweet life. But at least it can fill it with new meaning, so to speak, added value. And also meetings with interesting people. So I imagine that these tips are for those who have made up their minds. After all, such people have most likely had a hundred opportunities to quit. And if they didn’t, two would have been enough for them – to keep going and knocking on all the doors.

Read a lot and start with short stories

A person who wants to write something great usually reads a lot on their own. Certain authors become their role models. Over time, if you keep at it, you’ll develop your own style. If she is really talented. When she reads her first works later, she will see both good and not-so-good moments. It is important not to give up prematurely. Even though it could have saved many further problems. You should start with short stories. After all, beginners often lack the skill and patience to write a novel. But a short story can be written in one day. And then offer it to a friend to read. And for discussion.

Find like-minded people

If you can’t get into the social circle of established writers, you should create one from beginners. You can find them on social media, at presentations, lectures, and festivals. Together, you can organize readings and discussions of your works, attract attention, or at least let them know that you exist and what you write.

Attend as many lectures by famous authors as possible

Even if you consider yourself a genius and disagree with them on some creative points, you can build on this and come up with something of your own. You can also add reading various literary works, biographies and autobiographies of writers. In addition, you can always enroll in writing courses.

How to publish your first book

If you just send manuscripts to publishing houses, it’s not a given that anyone will read your letter, let alone your work. You need to find people who work in publishing houses. You have to get to know them. Get them interested in something. And then offer manuscripts. At least you will know who to ask if the manuscript has been reviewed. If you have thousands of followers on social media and hundreds of likes, this greatly increases your chances. Every publisher thinks about how they will sell your book.

In the end, this is not a one hundred percent recipe for success. Every author has their own path. Someone is more lucky, and someone is less. And even if you publish your first book, it doesn’t mean that your next one will be published automatically. After all, every experienced editor can recall more than one good manuscript after which the author did nothing else.

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